Obviously, planning for bushfire is the sensible thing to do. Our land was burnt out in the Black Saturday fires, and we’re very well aware of the risks of living in the bush. There are things you can do to mitigate that risk; some of those things are yours to do by choice, but others are now mandated, either by Council or by the Building Code of Australia. We’ll address some of those things in future posts, but today has been all about the water tanks. Continue reading “Bushfires and water tanks”
Hooray we’re not going to VCAT
Big celebrations here! The two objectors to our planning application have decided, it seems, not to contest at VCAT the council decision to grant a planning permit. The deadline for an application has passed and no application has been lodged.
We’ll post the hilarious exchange with VCAT staff when we tried to find out their business days in another post. Short version we were told we would need to seek legal advice to determine their next business day after Christmas – and yes, you read that right! Continue reading “Hooray we’re not going to VCAT”
Welcome to Langi Billin
Home of the parrots on Taungurung country…
Welcome to our small Victorian farm on land gratefully borrowed from the Warrinillum clan.
This site will grow over time as we build our small off-grid dwelling and our farm infrastructure. Our adventures will be chronicled here. We hope to show a small farm can run on permaculture principles and not only be very productive, but also be an integral part of the local community, providing support for social enterprises and education initiatives.
We believe, that knowledge, like people, should be free and we’ll share with you our successes as well as our failures. Simplicity, a deep connection to land; while these things are central to our lives, we will also be utilizing sustainable and appropriate technology, both old and new, wherever we can. Expect to see digital technologies alongside centuries old preservation techniques and a whole lot more besides.
As well as telling the story of our journey, this site will provide useful resources on all sorts of things related to small scale artisanal agriculture, community development and living off grid.
So drop back in and the follow the story of Langi Billin Farm.
And yes we WILL be paying the rent to the Taungurung LWC as soon as we can!
Womindjika Taungurung Biik!
Always was always will be!