We’re still alive!

Hi regular readers and thanks for stopping by!

Yes Langi Billin is still going, but we’ve been a little busy. Currently we are finishing the house and about 2/3 of the way through building a 72 metre long and 21 metre wide, netted food forest. We’ll put up pics and designs when we get a bit of time, we’re pretty much exhausted all the time currently, so the blog has taken a back seat for a bit.

Also we have some more info to post for you on off grid hot water,  smart farm open source monitoring, our notes on soil carbon and mycelium from a session with the brilliant Walter Jehne of Regenerate Earth and some stuff on Johnson-Su bioreactors for fungal compost.

Back soon – stay well everyone!

An eerie day at Langi Billin

This was what is was like the whole day today. 10 Km up the road it was brilliant sunshine!

So we have a 10,000L fire tank now next to the shed and we’ve begun lining out and insulating the kitchen side of the shed- with lots of help! The shed already has a composite EPS and foil insulation on the walls and roof that should provide about R1.2 on it’s own. However we are intending to be spending quite a bit of time in the commercial kitchen so we’ve added R2.5 Rockwool and lined the walls with Hardiboard which we will tile over.

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